Why subscribe to OUF (Our Uncertain Future)?

Welcome, friends!

This is more than a place where we will share our questionable life choices, passion projects and intimate thoughts on things both beautiful and despairing. This is a call for community. This is a gathering place. This is a place where we strive to build hope for the best possible future through preparing for the worst. 

For the couple behind these words, this has meant pursuing a lifestyle that is at once independent, freelance, minimalist and off-the-grid (literally). It’s been an experiment spanning two decades during which we’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons that suddenly seem very relevant in a world approaching peak uncertainty.

Living off grid has given us a lot of knowledge about the off grid lifestyle. However, the “off grid lifestyle” means more to us than just solar panels (though we love those too). It’s about living within our means, minimizing our carbon footprint, connecting with nature, living in integrity with our values, being conscientious about how we use our spending power, being independent of corporations whenever possible, exploring alternative social structures and dismantling societal programming, particularly around materialism and lifestyle choices. 

Together we can’t guarantee we’ll make the future any less uncertain, but we can build a more fulfilling present.

Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter where writer and nature therapy guide

and science journalist write candidly about life off-grid in the high desert. Check out Season 1 of our podcast .

We invite you to become a paid subscriber, which will allow us to focus more on this meaningful work. You can still receive plenty of content for free, but some content will be behind paywalls for subscribers only. Your paid subscription includes not just access to our insights, DIY tips and deepest thoughts, but also inclusion in a community we hope you’ll help us build (if you want, lurkers are fine, too). $5 a month is the cost of a latte, so we’re not asking for much, just a little incentive to keep at it and keep writing more. You receive 2 or more letters a month with insights on off grid living and our own experiences, as well as tips and tricks for those who want to give it a try. Stay tuned for future perks for founding members as well.

Subscribe to Our Uncertain Future

*As seen on NPR, CNET and Forbes* Family of three living off-grid and low-budget in the high desert of New Mexico, severing ties to capitalist values and exploring a new paradigm based in part on the preindustrial past and in part on future technologies.


Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide at www.allofusstardust.com Writer / Artist Author Mama & the Hungry Hole (Wordcraft of Oregon, 2015) and Gestation (Finishing Line Press, 2020) Yoga Instructor (RYT 200)
Reporting on Our Uncertain Future from off the grid.